
Our Vision

Click the image to read our Vision Booklet.

Discover our Faith

Tirohia to tatou Whakapono

Word on Fire - Te Kupu Ahi

A global apostolate using media to draw people into – or back to – the Catholic faith.


Renewal Ministries
A ministry fostering renewal and evangelisation. They offer online resources, a weekly TV show, daily radio programs, and more.



‘Netflix for Catholics’! Filled with movies, books, retreats, video clips and more. Purchase individually or subscribe for full access.


 Dynamic Catholic

World-class resources to discover and deepen your faith – with many available for free. Lent & Advent reflections, Sacramental preparation, marriage enrichment, and more.


 Life Teen blog

Down-to-earth blog posts from young Catholics, discussing everything from Instagram, to prayer, to dating.


 Ascension Presents

A huge collection of daily-updated podcasts, blogs, books, videos and programmes from Ascension Press.



Tūmanako is a hub for all pastoral work (ie prayer, ministry, formation, evangelisation – the good stuff) across the diocese.


CathNews  for International and National news of interest to Catholics


Titipounamu Study & Joy

Titipounamu - Akoranga me te Hakoa

Passionist Family Movement

Roopu Whanau Passionist

Click on the LINKS to view reflections by Brian Gleeson CP.   Brian prepares these reflections each week, he also celebrated 60 years as a professed Passionist on 23rd July 2021.

Brian is blessed with the gift to write reflections each week based on the readings and relevant to everyday modern life.  God bless you always, Brian

Food for Faith - John O'Connor

Kai mo te Whakapono

This is a very popular blog, by Fr John
O’Connor, a priest of the Christchurch Diocese, Fr John offers a daily reflection that is well worth reading, reflecting upon and praying with.
You can sign up at: Food For Faith - John O'Connor

Parish Resources